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package playne
imports "programmer"
WordPress Development
So you are a seasoned PHP developer and have just had a Wordpress Project land in your lap but you have never touched wordpress before? Well, the manual is a good place to start, but I found it was a little all over the place, hence these articles. These articles are short with plenty of code examples (because this is what we understand best!). How Wordpress Works So if you want to modify any of the default wordpress functionality you will need to use their hooking system of Actions and Filters. An Action is a procedure that modifies behaviour and a Filter is a function that modifies a passed variable and returns it. Read on and find out about the craziness that is wordpress. Plugin Development So you want to add some new functionality to Wordpress and need to know where to get started? Well there are some very important differences between Admin and Frontend functionality that you should know about! General Plugin Setup Plugin Setup Registering your plugin Creating your database tables on the fly Sanity Checking Administration Interface Development The simple way The hard but more flexible way Menus Frontend Interface Development Short Codes Theme Development Every website…
Web Dev
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ADSB/AVR/Mode-S Frame Decoder
Toshiba 2410 Laptop with the Orinoco (HERMES I) wireless card drivers
After searching for a while, i have found working Working WPA Drivers for my Toshiba 2410 Laptop with the Orinoco (HERMES I) wireless card. I am keep them handy here so if I lose them I still have them!
The Trike (4 of 13)
October 16, 2011
Jason Playne